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Главная » 2014 » Май » 18 » SoftInterface Convert Doc 7.66
2:24 PM
SoftInterface Convert Doc 7.66
SoftInterface Convert Doc 7.66
Convert Doc - утилита для конвертирования PDF-файлов в DOC/RTF/TXT/HTM-файлы и напротив, т.е. В Хоть какой ПОСЛЕДОВАТЕЛЬНОСТИ!!! 'Convert Doc', может быть в особенности полезен, когда требуются сложные преобразования файлов, выполняемых часто. 'Convert Doc' помнит все условия и подробности преобразования файла, т.к. при конвертировании ведётся log-файл процесса. Программка может быть запущена в командной строке либо снутри других программ. Это - наилучший инструмент конвертирования файлов.

Convert Doc is a simple to use, yet sophisticated document conversion tool. If you need to convert/manipulate thousands of files with a variety of file types located within many folders in a short period of time, this is the tool.

Convert Doc is a simple to use, yet sophisticated document conversion tool. If you need to convert/manipulate thousands of files with a variety of file types located within many folders in a short period of time, this is the tool.

Also, Convert Doc may be run from the command line allowing for use in batch files or can be launched from within other programs.

PDF, Text, RTF and HTML are amongst the favorite formats our customers convert their files to. With Convert Doc you can use our conversion algorithms, or those built within MS Word itself giving you an extreme amount of flexibility.

Here are some key features of "Convert Doc":
· Supports Fast conversion of PDF, MS Word, RTF, HTML, TXT and more.. MS Word NOT required. Acrobat NOT required.
· Choose between using our own fast conversion or MS Words conversion algorithm.
· Excellent PDF Conversion support. Convert PDF to DOC (MS Word), PDF to RTF, PDF to TXT, PDF to HTML, DOC to PDF, RTF to PDF, HTML to PDF etc.
· Schedule unattended conversion jobs at regular intervals.
· Save and restore complex conversion configurations
· Special processing of files including Concatenation (appending), Removing extra lines, launching 3rd party programs, search and replace strings.
· Supports recursive subfolders
· Can be adapted for all languages
· Batch can be stopped midway and resumed at a later time.
· Automate from the command line or with the COM/ActiveX interface

What's new in Convert Doc 7.66:
· Command line: Using MS Word conversion method, /C15 is now allowed for DOTM output file type.

Пимпочка: 2013
Платформа: Windows All
Интерфейс: Ажиотажный / Multilanguage ( нечастого нет )
Лечущее средство: Keymaker-CORE
Размер: 9,17 Мб

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SoftInterface Convert Doc 7.66




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